Friday, December 10, 2010

What writing can do

I looked in a bag that was sitting in my scrap room and found a journal I had been writing in. I realized I haven't been writing on a regular basis for so long. Reading what I had written in there was amazing. In the sense that I forgot how much I love to write! I have always wanted to write a book about my experiences/life growing up. I started several years ago but have never given it much time. Now that my daughter Madison is getting older, she will be 9 yrs old on Monday, I have watched her become this amazing poet and writer. I steal all the tidbits I can that she writes and forgets about. I have a folder full of little scrap pieces of paper where she has so boldly expressed herself and one day she can look back at these and see what a writer she was so young.
I was looking through old video tapes of the kids and I am really taken back as to how fast it has all gone by. It makes me cry watching Cody at 2 yrs old singing in the bathtub " twinkle, twinkle, little POOP" and crack up because he said the word poop. And walking out in the backyard with the camera and finding Maddie at about 2 yrs old eating a popsicle and chocolate chip cookie for breakfast and telling our little dog not to lick her leg. Those videos are like the greatest piece of happiness. priceless. My kids are getting bigger, I now have 2 granddaughters from my bonus kids and I am feeling like I want life to freeze for awhile so I can take it all in. Days, weeks, months fly by and I am finding myself worrying about Christmas when i feel like it was just here. I am really trying to enjoy the younger kids at their ages now ( 14 yrs and 9 yrs ) and I feel sometimes that life is so consuming that there are days i feel like I have missed the enjoyment of it all.

This past summer cody had a sports physical which caught an abnormality in his spine. his doctor thought it was scholiosis. We got him to a specialist and it ended up being what's called Kyphosis( which is when you are hunch back on the top pf the spine and sway back on the bottom). Basically his spine needs to be straigtened out. His is pretty severe and I always just thought he had bad posture. It's genetic and it can only really be corrected before he turns about 20 yrs old. So I am grateful it was found but it has changed his life and ours too.He had a brace made especially for him and he has to wear this brace 22 hours a day !!! yea, I did write 22 hrs. It's a lot. It's very uncomfortable and restricting. I know Cody is going through a lot with his brace and is more angry at life that he should be. It totally breaks my heart. I wish I could wear that brace for him. the brace has now given him nerve problems in his hip area which is now healing. they are in the process of making a new brace. I have faith that God is with our family at all times or I think we would all be done by now. Life has been hard. God keeps us somewhat sane. Kris, Megan, Katrina and Jared have all been very supportive to Cody. Kris, Katrina, Cody and Madison are very special siblings. I have never really seen anything like them. They are very connected and they love eachother beyond belief. That means everything to Tony and I.
Here is what the brace looks like. Please Pray for Cody to heal quickly and to have peace of mind while having to wear this brace.i'm having a hard time uploading the picture, i will try later.